BitHikers take a swing at Squash!


Last week, we had another opportunity to play our monthly Squash Tournament! BitPeakers ditched the reports and dashboards for squash courts.  It turns out that they are good at analyzing data and pretty decent at hitting a small rubber ball in a confined space.


BitPeak integration at squash court


Some BitHikers with more experience in bouncing balls off the walls took the lead on training. Their backhands were quick and fast and kept us running! The matches were exciting. There were many impressive plays, a few accidental wall hits, and a lot of laughter. We even learned something about strategy and agility – valuable squash and data wrangling skills.


Data Team squash game - BitHikers Integration


Good news for those who missed out: this isn’t a one-off. We’re planning more of these outings. So, brush up on your sports skills (or don’t; it’s more fun that way) and prepare yourself and your shoes for some running!