Recently, BitPeak had another opportunity to connect with latest trends and industry insights during The IIBA Poland 2023 Summit! This year’s summit was themed „The Future of Business Analysis: Technology, Innovation, and Leadership” and brought together a community of professionals from across the country and beyond.



The conference gathered approximately 200 people associated with Business Analysis in Poland, giving the opportunity to learn about the latest trends, insights and strategies in Business. One of the main topics of the conference was the recently very fashionable use of AI in the work of business analysts and others professions, giving the view on the benefits and challenges.


In addition, the speakers presented other tools used by BA and drew attention to the ever-growing need for cybersecurity. After each speech, there was time for a fruitful and deep discussion! There were also intreseting conversations and insights shared during coffee breaks in more private conditions!



Conference name badge for Bartosz Owoc from BitPeak
The BitHiker present at the scene – Bartosz Owoc!


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