We are proud to announce that we are now an ISO9001- and ISO27001-certified organization!


It is a result of our commitment to the excellence and security of our services:

  • ISO 9001:2015Quality Management System certification proves that every process in our company meets the highest international standards for quality management.
  • ISO 27001:2023Information Security Management System certification confirms the quality of the measures we use to ensure data and information security in our company.


Partnering with us means you can trust in our rigorous attention to detail, commitment to security and internal or external regulations. Now, with the certification process completed – we have yet another proof that working with BitPeak means:


  • Quality
  • Efficiency
  • Security
  • Governance


If you are looking for someone who knows how to ensure the success of global enterprise data projects, contact us, and let us show you why so many industry leaders trust us!



Value from Data